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Our Clients

Prioritize Consulting serves the local, national and international health care communities.  With clients ranging from the largest government organizations to service agencies and post-secondary institutions, we provide software and services to clients from around the world.

Client references are available upon request.  Please contact us for further information.

We thank all our clients for their continued support and partnership:


World Health Organization

World Bank


Fraser Health

Vancouver Coastal Health

Northern Health

Vancouver Island Health Authority

Provincial Health Services Authority (BC)

Interior Health Authority

Menno Place

BC Ministry of Health

The Alzheimer Society of BC

Calgary Health Region

Chinook Health Region (Alberta)

Headwaters Health Authority (Alberta)

Keeweetinok Lake Health Authority (Alberta)

Saskatoon Health Region

North West LHIN (Thunder Bay)

Champlain LHIN (Ottawa)

Central West LHIN (Toronto)

St. Joseph’s Hospital (Toronto)

Leeds, Grenville Lanark District Health Unit (Ontario)

Ontario Ministry of Health

IWK Health Centre (Halifax)

Nova Scotia Ministry of Health

Health PEI

Dalhousie University, Faculty of Medicine (Nova Scotia)

CIHR Drug Safety and Effectiveness Network (Ottawa)

Canadian Physiotherapy Association (Ottawa)

Senate of Canada, Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology

Australia/New Zealand

South West Area Health Board (Australia)

Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee, Federal Government of Australia

New South Wales Cancer Council (Australia)

Waitemata District Health Board (New Zealand)

Nelson Marlborough District Health Board (New Zealand)

United Kingdom

NHS Scotland

Argyll and Clyde Health Board (Scotland)

Fife Health Board (Scotland)

Highland Health Board (Scotland)

Institute of Health Services Management (UK)

Liverpool Health Authority (England)

Lothian Health Board (Scotland)

North Tyneside District Health Authority (England)

Northampton Primary Care Trust (England)

Scottish Needs Assessment Programme

Tayside Health Board (Scotland)

Tees Health Joint Administration (England)